Law firm: Rossbach & Beier
Rechtsform: Gesellschaft bürgerlichen Rechts

Vat-No (USt-IdNr).: DE273589850

Jakob-Klar-Strasse  14 
80796 München
T +49 89 41 07 47 16
F  +49 89 33 82 08

Attorney at law Dr. Claudia Rossbach und attorney at law Dietrich Beier are admitted with the bar association for the District of the Court of Appeals Munich. 

Professional Rules:
For German attorneys at law (rechtsanwälte) apply in Germany the Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung (BRAO), das Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz (RVG) and the Berufsordnung (BO) as well as the professional rules of the attonreys at alw in the European Union accessible under

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